Common Spelling mistakes in English-Difficult words to spell with silent letters

Spelling mistakes are common and can occur due to various reasons, such as typos, lack of familiarity with certain words, or confusion regarding spelling rules. Here are some common spelling mistakes:

"Definitely" spelled as "Definately"
"Separate" spelled as "Seperate"
"Accommodation" spelled as "Acommodation"
"Restaurant" spelled as "Restuarant"
"Receive" spelled as "Recieve"
"Occasion" spelled as "Occassion"
"Mischievous" spelled as "Mischievious"
"Embarrass" spelled as "Embarass"
"Necessary" spelled as "Neccessary"
"Believe" spelled as "Beleive"
"Weird" spelled as "Wierd"
"Maintenance" spelled as "Maintanance"
"Argument" spelled as "Arguement"
"Calendar" spelled as "Calender"
"Parallel" spelled as "Paralel"
Remember that spellings can vary here between British English and American English, so it's essential to be consistent within a specific variant. To improve your spelling, proofreading, using spell-check tools, and consulting a dictionary can be helpful.

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